If you have not received the credentials, please follow the steps below:
Once set up has been done, a user manual will be sent to you with a bank official’s contacts to assist in of challenges.
You can view account balances and your SPS transaction history.
With SPS, you have access to your account information 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
No, transfers of funds to bank accounts is limited to local banks.
No, transfers of funds is limited to Kenya shillings accounts.
By selecting Reports, you can choose to view the current month and the previous month or, you can choose to view your account from the current date to same date of the previous month (e.g. from 16/03/2021 to 16/04/2021). (e.g. from 16/03/20121 to 16/04/2021).
You can view your transaction report details by transaction date, payee name, payee account number, amount or transaction reference.
SPS supports downloads to Excel, Word and PDF files.
All you need to use SPS is a secure web-browser that has encryption capabilities such as Microsoft Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari and Firefox.